What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession which focuses on the posture and movement of the body, and healthy functioning of joints, muscles and some nerves (neuro-musculoskeletal system). We use different techniques such as adjustments, mobilisations and various soft tissue releases to improve range of motion and decrease pain levels where appropriate. Care can also improve balance and increase bodily awareness/proprioception.
At Balance and Motion, we use up to date and evidence informed treatments to help a large range of different conditions or complaints dependant on the type of patient.
Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession which focuses on the posture and movement of the body, and healthy functioning of joints, muscles and some nerves (neuro-musculoskeletal system). We use different techniques such as adjustments, mobilisations and various soft tissue releases to improve range of motion and decrease pain levels where appropriate. Care can also improve balance and increase bodily awareness/proprioception.
At Balance and Motion, we use up to date and evidence informed treatments to help a large range of different conditions or complaints dependant on the type of patient.
Sciatica, lower back and neck pain are three of the most common complaints that we treat as chiropractors regardless of whether our patient is a person, dog or horse. Typically, these issues arise gradually overtime, as a result of long-term postural stress, general wear and tear or regular and intense training. For many of our patients, their lifestyle habits which may lead to these aches and pains (such as a desk-bound occupation or professional/elite level sport) will not change, and so chiropractic care can become an important form of maintenance which can prevent or slow down further postural issues or discomfort. Sometimes pain may be secondary to trauma, and care may accelerate healing time and compliment rehabilitation, helping our patients stay more injury-resistant in the future.
Some complaints may be referred pain secondary to other health issues. In this case, Chiropractic should not be used in replacement of traditional Veterinary or Medical care, instead along side them. We are trained to recognise when Chiropractic care is not appropriate, and can instead organise a referral to the relevant medical services to ensure you get the help you require. Sometimes, we can help manage this alternative complaints alongside your other healthcare professionals.

For People
At Balance and Motion, our options for care are extensive and varied, providing you with the best opportunity to recover.
We can provide:
Spinal and extremity joint adjustments
Joint mobilisation
Massage/soft tissue release techniques including stretching and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation.
Dry Needling/Medical Acupuncture
Sports taping
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Indiba treatment
Individual exercise rehabilitation plans to reduce areas of weakness, improve balance or movement patterns.
To begin your care, we will star with taking a concise history of your complaint. This will help us better understand why you have sought our care, what your goals are and any additional factors which may impact upon this. The history taking process helps us fully understand your medical background and why your pain developed initially.
Following this, we complete a thorough Physical Examination. This includes assessing your Range of Motion (ROM), posture, movement patterns, reflexes, muscle strength and sensation, as well as completing Orthopaedic tests which help us specifically diagnose the cause of your pain.
Once completed, we provide a full report of findings to you, so you can understand what is causing your pain, why you experience it, what we can do to help you and all of your other options to improve your wellness. Should you require any onward referrals into the NHS, privately to Consultants or onwards for further investigations such as blood tests or scans, we are competent in organising this.

For the Equine
Thorough treatment can be provided including:
Joint adjustments or mobilisation
Soft tissue release techniques including use of the fascial tools.
Stretching techniques
Muscle activation techniques
Rehabilitative exercises
Onward recommendations
Reports of treatment can be provided to your Vet if required.
Prior to the appointment, we must request permission from the registered Veterinarian to treat your horse – this is covered by the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, and must be completed by all Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths or Massage Therapists.
We begin by taking a history on your Horse’s medical and behavioural history, and gather an understanding on what you do with your horse and what your goals are. Where necessary, we take an interest in discussing your Horse and their needs with the attending Veterinarian, Dentist, Farrier, Physiotherapist and Saddle fitter. We truly believe that working together provides the most comprehensive and successful results which help you both.
We then complete a comprehensive examination, assessing your horse in-hand in both walk and trot on a hard surface. We assess various different movements such as a rein back and observe your horse’s posture. We assess joint Range of Motion (ROM), soft tissue tension, mobility and overall balance and proprioception.
If required, further examination can be completed on the lunge and/or under saddle.
A full report of findings will be disclosed to help you understand the cause of the complaint (if this is for a new complaint) or the general findings (if for maintenance care). This includes discussing any treatment options you may have.